Common Spiders In McKinney, Texas

Close up of a common house spider

McKinney, Texas, is home to several different species of spiders. Some of the most common spiders in McKinney include wolf spiders, black widow spiders, brown recluse spiders, garden spiders, and house spiders. Identifying these common spider species can help you protect yourself from potential bites or stings. 

Poisonous Spiders in McKinney, TX

Texas is home to many types of spiders, but three species are poisonous to humans: the black widow, brown widow, and brown recluse. Both spiders have a distinct appearances and can be easily identified if you know what to look for. If you are worried about poisonous pests, consider spider control in McKinney by PCI Pest Control. 

Black Widow Spider

The black widow spider is one of the most dangerous spiders in Texas and across the country. Easily identifiable by its bright red hourglass shape on its abdomen, it can be found spinning webs in dark places like underneath rocks or in woodpiles. Humans and pets are at risk of being bitten by a black widow, so it's essential to take precautions when entering areas where they may live. Wear gloves while handling objects that could have a black widow living inside, and check for webs before entering these areas. If you get bitten by a black widow, seek medical attention immediately, as the venom can cause serious health effects. If you think your home might be infested with black widows, contact a pest control company for assistance.

Brown Widow

The brown widow spider is a relative of the black widow and can be found in many parts of Texas. While not as dangerous as their cousin, they are still venomous and require medical attention if bitten. Brown widows usually have a combination of tan, brown, and black colors with an orange hourglass marking on their abdomen. They will hide in many of the same areas as black widows, such as woodpiles, underneath rocks or stones, or other dark places where they can remain solitary. It's essential to take precautions when entering these areas by wearing gloves and checking for webs. If you suspect a brown widow may have bitten you, seek medical attention immediately to ensure your safety.

Brown Recluse

The brown recluse is distinguishable by its sandy brown to darker brown color, six pairs of eyes, and occasionally a dark violin-shaped marking on its back. A solitary spider prefers dark, secluded places such as basements, under rocks, and around gardens. The venom of the brown recluse contains necrotic properties. If you believe a brown recluse has bitten you, it is vital to seek medical attention immediately. To prevent being bitten by these spiders, always wear gloves when entering potentially hazardous areas and check for webs before entering.

Spiders That Live in Your Texas Home

Texas is home to various spiders, many of which are harmless and beneficial to the environment.

Hacklemesh Weaver

The Hacklemesh Weaver is a common spider in the great state of Texas. Found mostly in damp areas, this species has deep mahogany brown coloration and a unique chevron-style marking on its back, making it easily recognizable. When indoors, they are commonly found in damp basements during autumn. They will also hide under bark, leaves, and woodpiles when outside, so be sure to check these places if you suspect one of these spiders is nearby. Fortunately, the Hacklemesh Weaver doesn't threaten humans much, and few bites have ever been reported from them. However, it's always important to take necessary precautions around any spider. Vacuuming regularly and often dusting can reduce the chances of these spiders taking up residence in your home.

Common House Spider

The Common House Spider has a drab coloration, usually brown, tan, or gray, and long legs. It is known for building its webs in dark, damp places like basements, attics, and crawl spaces. It produces a mild neurotoxin that can cause mild reactions in humans that come in contact with it. Although these spiders don't threaten humans much, it's always important to take necessary precautions when near them. If you suspect a Common House Spider is nearby, check under bark and leaves if you are outside and look around damp basements during autumn if you are inside.

Cellar Spider

Cellar Spiders can be identified by their long, thin legs and small bodies. They usually appear gray, tan, or white, with a wispy quality that allows them to blend into their environment. These spiders construct webs in dark and damp areas such as cellars and basements. To prevent these spiders from entering your home, make sure to seal any cracks or openings around the outside of your house. If you encounter one of these spiders, there is no need to worry as they pose no danger to humans.

Southern House Spider

Southern House Spiders are common throughout Texas and can be found in homes, garages, sheds, and other areas. These spiders typically have dark brown bodies and fine, velvety hair on their abdomens. They are often mistaken for brown recluses due to their size but lack the distinctive violin-shaped marking. Southern House Spiders prefer to build webs high up in cracks and crevices, which makes them difficult to spot when they're not actively spinning webs. Though they may look intimidating, these spiders do not pose a threat to humans as they are not known to bite people. 

Need Spider Control? Call PCI Pest Control in McKinney, TX

If you ever deal with unwanted spiders in your home, call PCI Pest Control in McKinney. They are a professional pest control service specializing in eliminating and preventing spider infestations. Their team of experts will inspect your property for any areas where spiders may be hiding and then use their specialized treatments to eradicate the problem.

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